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Guidelines for authors

Please respect the following editorial guidelines for your article.

Once your article is ready to be submitted, complete the author online form: and upload your article to the online editorial platform by using the URL link provided by your thematic section’s editor.

These forms facilitate the centralization and collection of data. This step is important for the implementation of the Transatlantic Cultures digital platform, we thank you very much for your collaboration.


  • Short essay: from 6,000 to 8,000 characters (including spaces), 5 references
  • Full essay: from 20,000 to 40,000 characters (including spaces), 20 references


In general, you can adopt the font and alignment that suit you best.

However, please respect the following instructions: 

  • Include headings to structure your text
  • Use only one level of heading in the body text (heading 1)
  • Do not line break between paragraphs (no empty paragraphs).
  • The use of bold is reserved for titles, italics for foreign words, and quotation marks for quotations.
  • For translation purposes, it is best to avoid neologisms as much as possible. In general, the language must remain accessible and avoid too much specialized jargon.

Media insertion

  • The insertion of any type of media can be considered (video, image, sound, tables, statistical displays, network representation, maps, etc.).
  • To insert the media, use the “Figure” style and specify the file reference at the chosen location in the text. Still images can be inserted directly. However, it is important to provide the original files in the best quality available in a separate file folder to be uploaded on the online form.
  • Provide the data spreadsheet file when producing statistical displays.
  • Integrate hypertext links directly into the text.
  • For illustrations and media, choose preferably copyright free documents. The author will himself check the rights attached to the chosen illustrations and media. The author will provide the authorizations he may have collected when appropriate.
  • There are many online databases which contents are freely usable provided that the source is mentioned (national libraries, museums, etc.), here are some examples: Gallica, Art Institute Chicago, Biblioteca Digital Hispanica, Library of Congress, Brazil Digital Biblioteca, British Library

Notes and bibliography

  • Footnotes should remain minimal and short, essentially used to indicate specific sources. Footnotes must not contain websites or hypertext links.
  • The bibliographic references (checked and corrected by the authors) will be listed at the end of the article.
  • Footnotes should follow the Chicago Notes & Bibliography style. First occurrence: notes ./. Next occurrence: abbreviated notes. Do not use, idem, ibidem, cit. or art. cit ;
  • The bibliography will be reconstructed by us via Zotero.
  • Authors using a bibliography management software (Zotero, Mendeley, etc.) can dispense with providing a bibliography in the Word file and directly export their bibliographic references in the Bibtex format.

Abstract and keywords

Each article is accompanied by a summary of no more than 300 characters (including spaces) and keywords to be entered directly on the online form.

Header image

Each article will be identified by a visual on the platform.
This will be in ‘landscape’ format (horizontal).
Authors are invited to submit visual proposals directly on the online form (high-resolution images).

Guidelines for authors in PDF

For any questions, you can email