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The Silver Atlantic – International Conference Program


March 19

9:45: Welcome Remarks
Anaïs Fléchet, Versailles Saint-Quentin University & Clara Bouveresse, Evry Val d’Essonne University

10:15: Session 1 — From Silver to Wire: Circulating Techniques
Chair: Kelley Wilder, De Montfort University, United Kingdom

  • Monica Bravo, California College of the Arts
    Mercury in Retrograde: A Material History from A (Almadén, Spain) to Z (Zacatecas, Mexico) and Back Again, 1840-1870 
  • Nicolas Le Guern, Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée University
    Transatlantic Exchanges of Technological Knowledge within the Industrial Activities and Eastman Kodak 
  • Jonathan Dentler, University of Southern California
    Under the Waves or Through the Ether? Wire Photography and the Cultural Geography of the Atlantic Basin in the Twentieth Century

11:45-12:00: Coffee break

12:00: Session 2 — Atlantic Icons
Chair: Jennifer Bajorek, Hampshire College, USA

  • Sarah Parsons, York University
    Rachel sur son lit de mort : Photography, Privacy, and Transatlantic Anxiety c. 1858
  • Giulia Bonacci, Institute of Research for Development (IRD, France) & Estelle Sohier, Geneva University – The Life of a Photograph: A Crowned King between Ethiopia, Jamaica and the World

1:00-2:30: Lunch break 

2:30: Session 3 — Show and Tell: Picture Stories accross the Atlantic
Chair: Pia Viewing, Jeu de Paume, France 

  • Thierry Gervais, Ryerson University
    What Photographs Can Do: The Impact of German Kurt Safranski’s Magazine Dummies in New-York (presentation in french)
  • Jason Hill, University of Delaware
    Ordering Crime Photographically in New York and London: In and around Leonard Freed’s Police Work

3:30-3:45: Coffee break 

3:45: Session 4 — Visual Diplomacies
Chair: Paul-Henri Giraud, Lille University, France 

  • Ana Maria Mauad, Fluminense Federal University & Mauricio Lissovsky, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – Images at War: Photography and Politics in Brazil during the Second World War
  • Katarzyna Ruchel-Stockmans, Free University of Brussels
    Mix[ed]ing Feelings and Critique. Witold Wirpsza’s Poetic Response to “The Family of Man”
  • Gonzalo Leiva, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
    Photographic Paradigms of the Cold War, Model and Replica: a South American version of «The Family of Man» (presentation in French)

March 20

10:00: Session 5 — Archives of the World, Atlantic Collections
Chair: Laura Wexler, Yale University, USA 

  • Claude Baillargeon, Oakland University
    Vattemare’s Transatlantic Network and Its Impact at the École des ponts et chaussées
  • Shelley Rice, New York University
    Local Space/Global Visions : Albert Kahn’s Archives of the Planet in Context

11:00-11:15: Coffee break 

11:15: Session 6 — Far Away Shores
Chair: Patricia Hayes, University of the Western Cape, South Africa

  • Erin Hyde Nolan, Maine College of Art, & Emily Voelker, Vassar College
    Reading Native American Portraits in Ottoman : A Networked Analysis of Photographs in the Abdulhamid II Collection
  • Carolin Görgen, Paris Diderot University
    “Cette terre prédestinée du Far West” – Circulating and Solidifying California’s Visual Vocabulary at the Paris International Exposition in 1900
  • Marie Morel, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS/Creda umr 7227)
    “Si la photo est bonne” – Issues and diffusion of Missionary Photography (Chaco boreal-Europe, 1898-1938) (presentation in French)

12:45-2:15: Lunch break 

2:15: Session 7 — The Atlantic in Black and White
Chair: Maureen Murphy, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, France 

  • Jürg Schneider, University of Basel
    Grids and Networks: Lines and Junctions for Circulating photographs and photographers in British West Africa
  • Fabienne Maillard, Albert Kahn Museum
    Flow and Ebb. The Photographic and Transatlantic Work of Pierre Verger (presentation in French)

3:15-3:30: Coffee break 

3:30: Session 8 — Women in Focus
Chair: Shelley Rice, New York University, USA 

  • Clara Masnatta, Independent scholar
    Kodachrome in the Pampas: Gisèle Freund’s Transatlantic Slide-shows
  • Isabella Seniuta, Panthéon-Sorbonne University
    The Role of the Zabriskie Gallery between Paris and New York (1970-1990)

4:30-4:45: Coffee break 

4:45-5:30: Concluding Roundtable
Chair: Clara Bouveresse, Evry Val d’Essonne University & Didier Aubert, Sorbonne Nouvelle University 

Patricia Hayes, University of the Western Cape, Boris Kossoy, São Paulo University, Laura Wexler, Yale University, Kelley Wilder, DeMonfort University

The Silver Atlantic – International Conference Programme – Paris, March 19-20, 2020 – Jeu de Paume by Editions de l’Iheal et du Creda on Scribd

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
MM (6 mars 2020). The Silver Atlantic – International Conference Program. Transatlantic cultures. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse

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